jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

Excursionism: A different option to enjoy Panama

A different way to know the country is through the Panama's Isthmus Excursionists Club (CEI Panama), which was created with the objective of offering tourists the opportunity to visit places of natural beauty with groups of friends. Gilberto Ceballos, president of CEI Panama, explained that the club was initiated 7 years ago, and presently has 80 active members, among them, foreigners that live in Panama like Germans, Englishmen, Spaniards, Peruvians and Colombians.

The club services over 2,000 people per year, locals and foreigners, and makes around 60 excursion activities per year. Active club members pay $40 dollars per year. Ceballos highlighted that the most requested activities are hiking and beach activities.Hiking consists of walking around nature trails with a backpack and wearing basic equipment like boots, camping utensils and kitbags , with the intention of spending two or three days in contact with nature.

Since 2005, CEI Panama began its first high mountain activity or mountaineering, creating the Mountaineering Section. In 2006, the club participated in the second international hiking festival in France. In 2007 they did their first mountaineering expedition on the Huayhuash mountain range in Peru, where a Panamanian expedition reached the top of the Diablo Mudo (Mute Devil), in the Peruvian Andes.

In 2008 they also accomplished some expeditions to Central America, to Tajumulco and Tacana, both in Guatemala. Another expedition was completed to the Cumbre del Nevado Urus (The top of the snow-covered Urus), in Peru's White Mountain-Range, in Mexico at the Pico de Orizaba (Orizaba's Peak), and in the highest mountain of Russia, the Embrush Mountain. Ceballos also explained that beach camping is another very well liked activity because it's fun and it doesn't require a lot of physical effort. Among the beaches that they visit are those located in Coiba's Island, Las Perlas, and the Chiriqui and Kuna Yala archipelagos.

"We offer activities that require no physical effort, and others that are very physically demanding; it depends on what you like and are looking for", he explained. The number of people that can participate in these activities varies; some groups can be between 20 to 30 people.
To participate in these activities a donation is solicited, depending upon the place to be visited, since the logistics vary at each place. However, Ceballos explained, the donation includes transportation, food, and the tours. For example, a three night stay tour at the Las Perlas archipelago costs around $160.

This club has also created two ecological refuges so people can visit them. One is located at Peña Blanca, in Capira, and the other one is at El Pescao, in Chame; both are located between 50 and 100 kilometers to the west of Panama city, where camping is permitted and you can enjoy the river, mountain views, hiking and nature.

School Since the mountaineering has grown at the Excursionists Club, a decision has been made to open its own hiking and mountaineering Panama school. They will create their own rappel wall for entertaining. The idea is to practice mountaineering artificial training techniques with those people interested in becoming part of the school. Classes began on May 19th, at the Club's site, located at First Street Perejil), downtown Panama city.

Two styles will be covered at the school, Alpine and Free Climbing. The first one is done walking and the second one is rock climbing. Theory classes will be covered, which last 8 weeks; during this time, work shops will take place. The graduation will be at a place chosen by the club, so that students can apply Ice, Mountaineering and Rock Climbing techniques. On August will be the graduation for the first group, that will go to Peru. They will participate in an expedition named Panama 15,000, where more than three 5,000 meters high mountains will be climbed using the advanced and ice rescue techniques.

The course's cost is $50 and around 15 to 20 people are expected to sign up for the second generation of students. The following web address is provided for contact http://www.ceipanama.com/, or you can write to club@ceipanama.com.